Educator Resources

Suggested Resources for Educators

Teaching anti-fraud concepts and skills at the undergraduate and graduate level is no easy task. That’s why the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE) develops anti-fraud education resources for educators like you.

Expand your curriculum using these four ACFE videos and accompanying workbooks. Email to learn more.


Video Title

Free to ACFE Educator Members Free to Education Partnership Members
Beyond the Numbers: Professional Interviewing Techniques X X
2 Cooking the Books: What Every Accountant Should Know About Fraud X X
3 How to Detect and Prevent Financial Statement Fraud X X
4 Other People's Money: The Basics of Asset Misappropriation  X X
5 Consumer Fraud   X
6 Conducting Internal Investigations   X
7 Corporate Con: Internal Fraud and the Auditor   X
8 Finding the Truth: Effective Techniques for Interview and Communication   X
9 Inside the Fraudster's Mind   X
10 Making Crime Pay: How to Locate Hidden Assets   X
11 The Fraud Trial   X

Suggested Textbooks

Principles of Fraud Examination, 4th Edition

By Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA. This university textbook provides a wealth of informative and entertaining insights into the complex social factors behind fraudulent behavior. The text also provides a broad overview of the field of fraud examination − from what fraud is, to how it is committed, detected, and deterred. Educators and university bookstores may purchase this text from the publisher: Wiley +1 (201) 712-0090 or ISBN: 9780470128831

corporate fraud handbook
The Corporate Fraud Handbook: Prevention and Detection, 5th Edition

By Dr. Joseph T. Wells, CFE, CPA. From sophisticated investment swindles to false overtime to pilferage, learn how to detect corporate fraud with the expert help found in the Corporate Fraud Handbook. The text explores the three main categories of occupational fraud and abuse (asset misappropriation, corruption, and fraudulent statements) and identifies and classifies 13 separate schemes. Educators and university bookstores may purchase this text from the publisher: Wiley +1 (201) 712-0090 or ISBN: 978-0-470-63878-1

Fraud Examination 6th Ed
Fraud Examination, 6th Edition

By W. Steve Albrecht, CFE, Conan Albrecht, Chad Albrecht, Mark Zimbelman. Bring fraud to life for your students as Fraud Examination, 6e highlights practical and proven applications using actual, engaging cases and useful end-of-chapter exercises. This knowledgeable author team combines their extensive business and fraud experience to bring readers an accurate, contemporary overview of fraud punctuated with memorable, first-hand examples. Featuring a strong emphasis on fraud detection, prevention, and investigation, Fraud Examination prepares students to work in today’s business world. Educators and university bookstores may purchase this text from the publisher: Cengage. ISBN: 9781337619677

Free Resources for Education Partnership Members

In addition to the free resources that educator members receive, as a member of the Anti-Fraud Education Partnership, you will get eight additional videos for free.

If you’d like more details about the Anti-Fraud Education Partnership, please email